Family IN Business

A podcast that features stories of leaders, their families, and the family enterprises they transformed. Family IN Business is sponsored by the Kellogg Center for Family Enterprises and hosted by storytelling expert, Esther Choy.

Latest Episodes


February 11, 2023 00:32:59
1. The Entrepreneurial Journey of Writing Your Own Glory In A Family Enterprise: Kartik Wahi of Claro Energy

1. The Entrepreneurial Journey of Writing Your Own Glory In A Family Enterprise: Kartik Wahi of Claro Energy

Though Kartik Wahi’s father started a successful OEM business, Wahi wasn’t ready to work for the family business. In this episode, Wahi takes us...



February 11, 2023 00:37:20
2. Leading Entrepreneurial Ventures Within A Family Business: Ian Rosen of Harry Rosen Inc.

2. Leading Entrepreneurial Ventures Within A Family Business: Ian Rosen of Harry Rosen Inc.

When Ian Rosen decided to return to the family business in 2018, Harry Rosen Inc., Canada’s leading luxury men's clothing retailer, was only doing...



February 11, 2023 00:39:35
3. Discovering Your Entrepreneurial Niche Within A Family Enterprise: Zack Richner of Arrandale Ventures

3. Discovering Your Entrepreneurial Niche Within A Family Enterprise: Zack Richner of Arrandale Ventures

Zack Richner is ambitious, daring, and thoughtful, just like his grandparents who founded Richner Communications and his father who currently leads the family business....



February 11, 2023 00:36:57
4. Is This A Story Of A Family Enterprise Failure or The Rebirth Of An Entrepreneur: Ariel Bacal of BLANX

4. Is This A Story Of A Family Enterprise Failure or The Rebirth Of An Entrepreneur: Ariel Bacal of BLANX

As the third-generation family business leader, Ariel Bacal faced overwhelming obstacles in his footwear manufacturing and retail business in Colombia and Venezuela: an onslaught...



February 11, 2023 00:34:31
5. Creating Strategic Entrepreneurial Goals Within A Family Business: Kalpana Waikar of Inspired Indian Cooking

5. Creating Strategic Entrepreneurial Goals Within A Family Business: Kalpana Waikar of Inspired Indian Cooking

Who starts a new family business with a mortgage and kids in college? Entrepreneur Kalpana Waikar of Inspired Indian Cooking, with the support of...



November 21, 2022 00:38:57
7. Leading Through Purpose: Aligning Stakeholders Around Sustainability with Anderson Tanoto

7. Leading Through Purpose: Aligning Stakeholders Around Sustainability with Anderson Tanoto

Anderson Tanoto saw the potential for his family business, Royal Golden Eagle (RGE), to become a leader in sustainability. Through his journey in transitioning...
